Setup Guide

Token.json file Setup:

  "TOKEN_SYMBOL_OR_NAME": "The bot won't read this value",
  "TOKEN_ADDRESS": "0xf73d8276c15ceXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX0e62f767a7f3aea",
  "SLIPPAGE": "49",
    "TOKEN_BUY_TAX": "12",
    "TOKEN_SELL_TAX": "15",
    "PAY_AMOUNT_IN_BNB": "0.00001",
    "PAY_AMOUNT_IN_BUSD": "0",
    "PAY_AMOUNT_IN_USDT": "0",
    "SNIPE_SELL": [

Things to remember :

  • Read the file as attribute–>value ("TOKEN_SYMBOL_OR_NAME": "XYZ TOKEN")

  • When typing a decimal number use the dot "." rather then a comma ","

  • Always type inside the quotation marks "..."

  • Min pay amount in BNB is 0.000001 BNB

  • Min pay amount in USDT/BUSD is 0.0001

General settings part:

TOKEN_SYMBOL_OR_NAME: This is made for you the user and never going to be read by the bot, Ideally you would want to type the token name you are trading.

TOKEN_ADDRESS: Token address you want to buy/sell

EXCHANGE: Currently supported exchanges PANCAKESWAP - APESWAP - BABYSWAP - BiSwap - BUSTASwap

SLIPPAGE: (Min is 1, Snipe mode +40, Limit mode "Token tax + 3") Slippage...

RETRY_AMOUNT_AFTER_TRANSACTION_FAIL: If this is 0 means one failed transaction and the bot will stop, 1 means will retry one time after failed transaction and so on.

SNIPE_MODE: (YES or NO) This is to let the bot know if you are Snipping (YES) or want to Limit trade (NO)

SNIPE_BUY_SELL: Inside the curly bracket are the buy/sell orders that the bot executes if SNIPE_MODE is YES

Snipe buy part:

MIN_LIQUIDITY_TO_START_TRADING_IN_USD: This is to be sure you are not buying in a scam token, recommended value 20000 (low liquidity = high risk of scam)

TOKEN_BUY_TAX: Token buy tax value, at first this was implemented so it can be found by the bot automatically but decided against it, Why?

  • We lose speed as it's time consuming process. (Depend on the tax from 0 to 3 seconds)

  • It's part of the user DYOR. (Project don't share this info? Red flag)

TOKEN_SELL_TAX: Token sell tax value. 👆

PAY_AMOUNT_IN_BNB: How much you want to pay in BNB to buy this token

PAY_AMOUNT_IN_BUSD: How much you want to pay in BUSD to buy this token

PAY_AMOUNT_IN_USDT: How much you want to pay in USDT to buy this token

Tip: The bot will auto pick the shortest transaction path for you.

DO_NOT_CHANGE_THIS_VALUE_SNIPE_BOUGHT_PRICE: Used by the bot to work as intended.

DO_NOT_CHANGE_THIS_VALUE_SNIPE_BOUGHT_QUANTITY: Used by the bot to work as intended.

Snipe sell part:

SNIPE_SELL: Holds sell orders, each sell order is inside a curly bracket and separated by a comma ","

Tip: You can have as much as sell orders you want, JUST remember that BETWEEN every curly bracket there's a comma.

If you edit the file and the bot crashes you can try to help you fix it (Copy the file content, past on the left side of the site, a red little box will show up telling you where's the error).

Or just DM and I will help you! 😉

SELL_TOKEN_WHEN_MULTIPLIER_REACHES_IN_PERCENTAGE: The bot will initiate sell transaction when this multiplier is reached based on buy price (Means after total slippage "buy tax + slippage + exchange swap see").


Bought token at price = 2$


2 * 150 / 100 = 3 (The bot sell when price = 3$)


  • When it's bigger than 1 means limit sell

  • If smaller than 1 means stop loss

  • Never put it to 1

SELL_QUANTITY_WHEN_MULTIPLIER_IS_REACHED_IN_PERCENTAGE: How much percentage you want to sell when the multiplier is reached...


Bought 200 tokens


200 * 80 / 100 = 160 (The bot sell 160 when the multipliers is reached)

DO_NOT_CHANGE_THIS_VALUE_IS_ORDER_FILLED: Used by the bot to work as intended.

That's it! The Rest is useful if you are in Limit Mode.

Last updated