Settings File

Reminder: Changes made to this file will not be applied when the bot is running.

  "BSC_NODE": "",
  "GAS_PRICE": "M",
  "MAX_GAS_PRICE": "10",
  "GAS": "1000000",

WALLET_ADDRESS: Your MetaMask wallet address:

  • If you are just testing the bot it could be any address you own.

  • If you paid for the bot it MUST be the same wallet you paid with to buy the bot.

PRIVATE_KEY: The private key of the address in "WALLET_ADDRESS".

Make sure you read MetaMask Security tip first.

ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY: You don't need to type anything here, this is used by the bot to save the encrypted version of your private key.

Your private key will be deleted after encryption, only encrypted version will be saved.

Why you need my Private key?

BUY_BOT_TRANSACTION_HASH: If you bought the bot, copy and past the transaction hash here.

BSC_NODE: The node to connect to, It can be HTTPS or WSS.

GAS_PRICE: (Min value is 5, suggested in Snipe mode +15) gas price per gas used in transaction.

NEW: You can type ("S" for Standard, "M" for Medium, "F" for Fast) and the bot will auto fetch gas price (15 sec interval)

MAX_GAS_PRICE: Here you select max gas price you want, works when you type ("S", "M" or "F") in "GAS_PRICE"

Formula: Gas Price * Gas Used / (10 ** 9) = Transaction Fee

Ex: 5 * 450000 / 1000000000 = 0.00225 BNB

GAS: (Min value 500K, suggested 1000K) gas limit for a transaction.

REVERT_TRANSACTION_AFTER_IN_MINUTES: (Min value 2, suggested 5) Time before a transaction gets reverted (Canceled).

When making a transaction the bot will wait the amount of minutes in REVERT_TRANSACTION_AFTER_IN_MINUTES to get a response if it was successful or failed, If exceeded it will be marked as Unknown status.

APPROVE_TOKEN_BEFORE_LIQUIDITY_DETECTED_IN_SNIPE_MODE: (YES, NO) If "YES" and "SNIPE_MODE = YES", Send approve allowance before checking token liquidity.

CHECK_IF_TOKEN_IS_BUYABLE_BEFORE_BUYING_IN_SNIPE_MODE: (YES, NO) If "YES" and "SNIPE_MODE = YES", Check if token can be traded and don't have high tax (+85%) when buying.

CHECK_IF_TOKEN_IS_SELLABLE_BEFORE_SELLING_IN_SNIPE_MODE: (YES, NO) If "YES" and "SNIPE_MODE = YES", Check if token can be traded and don't have high tax (+85%) when selling.

SCAN_TOKEN_WITH_RUGDOC_IN_SNIPE_MODE: (YES, NO) If "YES" and "SNIPE_MODE = YES", after finding liquidity the bot will make a request to RugDoc servers to scan the token address and wait for a response. If "NO" no RugDoc check in snipe mode.

Tip: RugDoc check is always enabled in LIMIT_MODE.

CHECK_PRICE_IMPACT_IN_SNIPE_MODE: (YES, NO) If "YES" and "SNIPE_MODE = YES", Check how much pay amount is going to impact the price.

MAX_PRICE_IMPACT_IN_PERCENT: (Min value 1, suggested 3) Percentage limit a transaction cannot exceed impacting the price.

MAX_BUY_TAX_IN_LIMIT_MODE: (0 .. 100, suggested 12) In LIMIT MODE the bot auto fetch token tax & gas limit and check if the numbers are lower set by you.

MAX_SELL_TAX_IN_LIMIT_MODE: (0 .. 100, suggested 12) In LIMIT MODE the bot auto fetch token tax & gas limit and check if the numbers are lower set by you.

"AUDIO_NOTIFICATION": Play a sound notification when a transaction fails, you make a profit or loss on sell.

Last updated