
Wendly Bot - The ultimate user experience trading bot for BSC.

Wendly Bot

The bot aim is to make the life of the trader as easy as possible when :

  • Sniping new tokens listings

  • Limit Buy/Stop Loss

  • Maximum Security (Anti Honeypot, High tax detection ...)

Wendly Bot is a local bot that runs on your own machine, by avoiding web interfaces & Metamask and directly interacting with blockchain Nodes your orders are faster than any of the web based platforms, giving you more Control, Speed and Security in your trades.

How is Wendly Bot better than other trading bots?

Wendly Bot is built around user experience and ease of use to make the life of traders easier, you have complet control over your trades, fine tune any settings you want, just find the token you like and let the bot do the rest from auto detecting trade pair, taxes, gas, price impact, honeypot ...

All that with unbeatable low price of 200$.

See all features here.

You can try the bot for FREE, and EARN MONEY from referrals and Influencer program.

Test mode limit buy amount to 10$, and you take all your profits!

Last updated